TUKATA X Seoul Record Fair

TUKATA X Seoul Record Fair

TUKATA participated in the development of the official character and goods for the Seoul Record Fair, which is celebrating its 12th edition this year. The Seoul Record Fair, initiated in November 2011, is the first music festival in South Korea centered around the protagonist of physical music, the vinyl record. The event focuses on introducing the advantages and innovations of this longstanding medium rather than dwelling on the nostalgia of analog. As an opportunity for music labels and artists involved in creating and producing music to promote and sell their music and related products without significant pressure, the Seoul Record Fair showcases a diverse range of items, including limited edition records, first-time releases, as well as thousands and tens of thousands of various new and used records from the past. Attendees can also explore music-related books and accessories, audio devices, and official Record Fair merchandise.

Seoul Record Fair

2023.11.18 (Sat) - 2023.11.19 (Sun)

COEX Conference Room E (3rd floor)



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