TUKATA X BESPOKE Collaboration

TUKATA X BESPOKE Collaboration


TUKATA took part in the Fresh Earth Project for Earth Day, just like I did for SAMSUMG's Home Appliances with BESPOKE. TUKATA developed a penguin character that protects the earth with BESPOKE, and along with the development of goods such as palm bag shopping baskets, posters, postcards, and ESG Cutlery, we also created contents using the characters of the TUKATA FARM series. BESPOKE is a personalized home appliance brand launched by Samsung Electronics that respects individual tastes and diverse lifestyles. This collaboration on Earth Day is a project about the efforts of both companies to contribute to the global environment as a home appliance brand and lifestyle brand.

Client : SAMSUNG Electronics
Agency : PT Korea
Character Design / Goods Development : TUKATA

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